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Urban Daddy/Samsung Summer Bash A ‘Picture Perfect Evening’!

By Daniel Swartz on July 18, 2012
Be sure to check out all 188 of our photographs from this event HERE!
The Guest List:
U STREET CORRIDOR -- An unseasonably warm Tuesday evening failed to deter hundreds of bold and beautiful Washingtonians from hopping the (U Street) pond to newly opened British gastropub The Brixton, for ‘A Picture Perfect Evening’ hosted by Urban Daddy and Samsung Mobile.

The guest list-only affair served dual roles as both a chic summer soiree, as well as a private preview party for the new Samsung Galaxy Note.

To be sure, while Urban Daddy had plenty of brass in town for the night, including well known D.C. editor Jeff Dufour, it was the little smartphone that could (and did) that clearly stole the show, as an integral part of virtually every component of the crowded party.

From the devices the DJ used to spin the evening’s soundtrack to the electronic check-in at the door to the fun graphology (handwriting analysis) station to the portrait artists' portfolios to the Angry Birds competition (we demand a recount), the shiny new Galaxy Note, with its 5.3-inch display, ran it all. And guests loved it.

Three lucky invitees were even rewarded for their Twitter love of the event (hashtag #pictureperfectdc) with brand new smartphones of their own.

But no one left without a smile on their face given the celebratory nature of the party. After all, guests were treated to a variety of warm weather cocktails (think the ‘Strawberry Fields’, ‘Swedish Flower’, ‘Honey Suckle Fizz’, and ‘Coconut Blossom’) and tasty hors d’oeuvres courtesy of The Brixton’s recently opened kitchen and bars.

While most guests retreated to the three-storied venue’s private (and air conditioned) second floor during the still searing early portion of the event, nearly everyone was quick to take advantage of The Brixton’s massive outdoor patio come sundown, with most lingering long past the party’s end.

A picture perfect evening is a rare occurrence after all.

Be sure to check out all 188 of our photographs from this event HERE!
Tags:The Brixton
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