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Veep Biden Surprises/Delights At Georgetown CURE Epilepsy Fundraiser; Mustaches Threatened

By Daniel Swartz on December 11, 2012
Susan Axelrod speaks to guests as Constance Milstein & J.C. de La Haye St Hilaire look on (Photo: Haddad Media).
Susan Axelrod speaks to guests as Constance Milstein & J.C. de La Haye St Hilaire look on (Photo: Haddad Media).
All photos courtesy of Haddad Media.

GEORGETOWN -- The night's co-hosts included some of the most recognizable names within Washington's storied political and media circles, with Constance Milstein & J.C. de La Haye St Hilaire, Susan & David Axelrod, and Tammy Haddad & Ted Greenberg all on-board.

But guests to an exclusive Georgetown fundraiser on Friday somehow found themselves in even better company when none other than Vice President Joe Biden popped by unannounced to show his support.

The charitable occasion was an early evening benefit held by D.C. campaign co-chairs Heather Podesta and Alex Castellanos for the nonprofit known as Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE) - the leading non-governmental organization fully dedicated to funding epilepsy research.

Despite their already demanding professional responsibilities, Friday's organizers and hosts remain deeply involved on a personal level with CURE Epilepsy, with David Axelrod even going as far as to shave-off his trademark mustache after fulfilling a promise he made should the organization raise $1 million during its 'Slash the Stash' campaign.

Castellanos even doubled down on his friend's commitment in agreeing, earlier in the day, to also shave off his mustache if it would bring in 500 more donors.

The nonprofit's research mission focuses on understanding the underlying mechanisms of epilepsies rather than developing additional drugs to treat the symptoms of the disease, which affects more than 3 million Americans and 50 million people worldwide.

Beyond research, CURE Epilepsy seeks to raise awareness of the prevalence and devastation of the disease. The charity was founded by parents of children with epilepsy who were frustrated with their inability to protect their children from the devastation of seizures and the side effects of medications.

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