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'Killing Lincoln' World Premiere Draws Billy Campbell, Transpo SEC LaHood To NatGeo HQ

By Daniel Swartz on February 12, 2013
"President Lincoln, meet. uh, President Lincoln (actor Billy Campbell)."
"President Lincoln, meet. uh, President Lincoln (actor Billy Campbell)."
Be sure to check out all 13 of our photographs from this event HERE!
All images courtesy of the National Geographic Channel.

NORTHWEST -- On the eve of his birthday Monday evening, more than a century after his death in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was once again making headlines in Washington. The reason behind such renewed media interest in the country's 16th president was the world premiere of a new film on the National Geographic Channel about his assassination.

Bowing to the general public during Presidents Day weekend, the network's first factual drama stars Billy Campbell as Lincoln and newcomer Jesse Johnson as John Wilkes Booth. Narrated on camera by Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks, the film adapts TV host-turned-author-turned-historian Bill O'Reilly's bestseller to the big screen.

And while O'Reilly and Hanks themselves couldn't make yesterday's red carpet event, virtually all of the film's on-screen cast was in attendance, along with a handful of D.C. notables, including outgoing Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.

'Killing Lincoln' combines dramatic recreations of the events leading-up to President Lincoln's assassination with historical insight to create a thrilling chronicle of his final days and the treasonous plot behind one of the most dramatic and resonant crimes in American history.

'Killing Lincoln' will air on the National Geographic Channel on Sunday, February 17th at 8:00p.m. ET/PT.

Be sure to check out all 13 of our photographs from this event HERE!
Tags:National Geographic Society
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